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Accidently Kelly Street

2012. / 630字 / 779阅 / 0评

这次介绍的是《Accidently Kelly Street》。看过《蓝色大门》的童鞋可能会有点印象,这是那部电影的插曲。我忘记第一次是在哪里听到了,反正听完就觉得好清新的歌,而且歌词也有种温暖阳光下漫步的感觉,让人放松。


Frente!是一支来自澳洲的乐队,却取了一个西班牙文的名字,即英文“Front”的意思。主唱Angie Hart拥有一个可爱的嗓音,非常深情,她的直率和天真,以及有些小小的古怪,永远像个长不大的小女孩那样甜蜜。Angie住在墨尔本的近郊,并不是一个非常时髦的女孩,在高中毕业后,她筹了一笔钱,与朋友一起去了与墨尔本隔海相望的印度洋岛屿——圣诞岛度假,在那里遇到了弹着吉他的Simon Austin,喜欢唱歌的Angie就要求Simon为她伴奏,Simon答应了,并交上了朋友,后来成为乐队鼓手的Alistair Bardon担任打击乐部分,结果一曲终了,引来了路人的驻足倾听。后来他们三人成立了Frente!乐队,并找来了Simon在墨尔本大学的朋友Tim O’connor做为乐队的贝司手,Frente!就正式成形了。

Accidently Kelly Street – Frente!

here's a door and here's a window
here's the ceiling, here's the floor
the room is lit like a black and white movie
the tv's on, that's what it's for
and if you walk real slowly
you can feel the planet breathe
there's no need to feel so lowly
now that we've all learned to give
accidently kelly street
where friends and strangers sometimes meet
accidently kelly street
i never thought life could be so sweet
in the garden birds are singing
the sun is shining on the path
the wind is talking to the flowers
the dogs and cats all take a bath
and if you stop that talking
you can hear the traffic sigh
throw away those keys start walking
watch those tiny things go by
accidently kelly street
where friends and strangers sometimes meet
accidently kelly street
i never thought life could be so sweet
it's sunday everyday
and there's no need to rush around
inside of everybody there's sun and laughter to be found
it seems that we're on holidays
and sleeping in is not a sin
all the housework's done by teatime
i'm feeling good about the way i've been
perhaps this optimism will crash on down like a house of cards
i know that my decision
to change my life was not that hard

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